pictures by Gabriel Fournier

This week’s guest at APAD: Gabriel Fournier with his series A New England Wandering. Gabriel is from Montréal, Québec and (together with his girlfriend) runs a small exhibition space called AUX VUES. You might also visit his blog ‘peopleinspaces’.

A New England Wandering is a collection of moments captured on the beaches and lands of New England. A quiet and secret place, inhabited by a human fauna who is desperately trying to create memories and snatch a part of the ocean’s history. Along the road, back and forth between Montreal, Massachusetts, Vermont and Maine. Growing landscape one snapshot after another. A state of deep and serene contemplation in which lowness and fiction are celebrated. The kind of fiction one would find in travel diaries and family albums. The wind and the water. The taste of salt on your lips. The smell of crustaceans and deep-fried food. I welcome you to the land of the puritans, the Beat Generation and swimwear. Sit back in a lounge chair planted in the sand and enjoy the view.

This week’s guest at APAD: Gabriel Fournier with his series A New England Wandering.

This week’s guest at APAD: Gabriel Fournier.

This week’s guest at APAD: Gabriel Fournier.

This week’s guest at APAD: Gabriel Fournier.

This week’s guest at APAD: Gabriel Fournier.

This week’s guest at APAD was Gabriel Fournier with his series A New England Wandering.

Thanks for being part of the project, Gabriel!